R hands-on seminar

Please note that this session will be given a lecture in Japanese.


R is a promising programming language for statistical computing. It is expected to be used in various scientific areas partly because it provides rich libraries for machine learning like Python. On the other hand, it requires a large amount of memory space for large-scale data analysis. In this seminar, the basics of R programming and parallelism and the way to use R on our large-scale computer systems are treated in a hands-on manner.


  • Those who have too much data to analyze on your commodity PC
  • Those who are interested in parallel computing in R


Note in taking this seminar

  • Because of COVID‑19, this workshop is live-streamed online using online meeting tools. Please make sure you have an internet access. We will contact you about how to connect separately.
  • Exercise is scheduled.
  • Accounts issued for this seminar are available for a week even after this seminar.


Seminar material

R hands-on seminar ~Let’s use R on SQUID~ (Japanese only)

Date : Nov 12, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m
Instructor: Dr. Yoshiyuki Kido, Cybermedia Center, Osaka University
Venue: Online
Type : Lecture, Hands-on
Quota: 20
Application deadline: Nov 11, noon

Application acceptance has ended.