The Cybermedia Center, Osaka University, is a research institute with a High Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI).
Detailed information on HPCI is available from the HPCI website


System use through HPCI

Use of large-scale computer systems at Cybermedia Center through the framework of HPCI is detailed below:
System use through HPCI

User's web portal

The user's web portal is open to all users at the CMC. Information limited to only users is available from the portal. Please access such information below:.
User's web portal


Frequently asked questions and answers are listed in the FAQ. Please check FAQ sites before sending your inquiries to us.


How to use

You can learn how to use our large-scale computing systems below:

Training sessions

Cybermedia Center periodically offers training sessions. Please take them. The training information is available below:
Scheduled training session


Please use the following form for Inquiries and Requests for collaborative research proposals.
Also, you can type in your requests to large-scale computer systems at the CMC.

If you forgot your password

Please apply to reset your password on the button "initialize password" from the following site. A one-time URL for password initialization will be sent to your registered e-mail address.
Web service application system