(Closed) SQUID will be temporally stopped for updating job scheduler (July 10)

We are going to stop SQUID for updating job-scheduler, NQSV, as the following:
Date: 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., July 10, 2023
- During this maintenance, you will not be able to submit and execute a job on SQUID. All jobs submitted before the maintenance will be executed as usual.
Please see the following page of FAQ in the case of submitting a job before or during the maintenance.
FAQ: What will become my submitted job before maintenance or during the maintenance?

- You can log in to the front-end node and operate something on the front-end node, and access a file system and ONION-file as usual.
You will be able to use OCTOPUS, ONION-object, and other WEB systems as usual. Thank you for your understanding.

Posted : June 22,2023