OpenACC directives are available in SQUID, which makes it relatively easy to optimize for the GPU, and can be used in conjunction with OpenMPI.

How to use OpenACC

    advance preparation

      Before using OpenACC, please load the BaseGPU environment with the module command.

      module load BaseGPU


    Compile command

      The command to compile is different for each programming language; if you use the OpenACC directive, specify the -acc option

      node-internal execution

        C language C++ language Fortran language
        Command nvc -acc nvc++ -acc nvfortran -acc

      Node-to-node execution (MPI)

        C language C++ language Fortran language
        Command mpicc -acc mpic++ -acc mpif90 -acc


    compilation example

      To compile the code test.f90 with the OpenACC derivation inserted for a set of SQUID GPU nodes, you can use the following (The -Minfo=accel option is used to output optimization messages to the GPU.

      nvc -O3 -acc -Minfo=accel test.f90


    Execution Script

      execution on 1 node

        Here is an example script for a program that uses GPUs with OpenACC directives. This is a script that executes a batch request with 8 GPUs per node and an elapsed time of 1 hour.

      execution on multinodes with MPI

        The following is an example script for an MPI program that uses GPUs with OpenACC directives. This is a script that executes a batch request with 8 GPUs per node, using 2 nodes (8 processes per node, 16 processes in total), and an elapsed time of 1 hour.