The HPCI Office has announced the discontinuation of GSI authentication. The following content will be revised at a later date. For information on how to comply with the latest authentication methods, please click here.
If you are an HPCI user, you can log in with GSI authentication in addition to the usual two-step authentication. This page introduces how to log in from Windows 10. here.
When logging in with GSI authentication, refer to the User Manual 'HPCI Login Manual (HPCI-CA01-001-21)' published by the HPCI Operations Office in advance. Manual (HPCI-CA01-001-21) published by the HPCI Operations Office. Also, refer to "1.3.2. Docker Container image for GSI-" in the same manual. OpenSSH" in the same manual, and install Docker Container image for GSI-OpenSSH.

Step 1. Launch Docker Desktop

Make sure Docker Desktop for Windows is running; on Windows, you should see the following icon in your taskbar


Step 2. Start Windows PowerShell

To run the docker command, start Windows PowerShell; Windows PowerShell should be started with general user privileges.


Step 3. Load the Docker image (only for installation)

Run the following command in Windows PowerShell to load the Docker image.

PS C:\Users\username> docker load -i gsi-openssh-20201215.tar.bz2
c33ea345ab20: Loading layer [=================================>] 242.3MB/242.3MB
039c616acc15: Loading layer [=================================>] 31.23kB/31.23kB
7bf8d15f20d6: Loading layer [=================================>] 4.096kB/4.096kB
dd7e690f7986: Loading layer [=================================>] 737.3kB/737.3kB
Loaded image: hpci/gsi-openssh:20201215
PS C:\Users\username>
PS C:\Users\username> docker images hpci/gsi-openssh
hpci/gsi-openssh 20201215 09dc54c1b937 3 months ago 434MB


Step 4. Start the Docker container

Run the following command in Windows PowerShell to start the loaded Docker container.

PS C:\Users\username> docker run -d --rm --name gsi-openssh -v c:\Users\username\Documents:/home/hpciuser/work hpci/gsi-openssh:20201215
PS C:\Users\username>


Step 5. Start GSI-OpenSSH bash

Execute the following command to run GSI-OpenSSH in /bin/bash.

PS C:\Users\username> docker exec -i -t gsi-openssh /bin/bash
[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$


Step 6. Download the proxy certificate

Execute the following command to download the proxy certificate.

[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$ myproxy-logon -s -l hpciXXXXXX(HPCI-ID)

Execute the following command to check the information of the proxy certificate you obtained.

[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$ grid-proxy-info
issuer : /C=JP/O=NII/OU=HPCI/CN=username [hpciXXXXXX]/CN=XXX/CN=XXX/CN=XXX
identity : /C=JP/O=NII/OU=HPCI/CN=username [hpciXXXXXX]
type : RFC 3820 compliant impersonation proxy
strength : 2048 bits
path : /tmp/x509up_u2000
timeleft : 11:59:39
[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$


Step 7. Login to the login server

The login server is specified, and it logs in by GSI authentication. When you log in to the HPC login server

[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$ gsissh -p 2222
Last login: Thu Dec 17 21:21:52 2020 from
-bash-4.2$ pwd

When you log in to the HPDA login server

[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$ gsissh -p 2222
Last login: Thu Dec 17 21:21:52 2020 from
-bash-4.2$ pwd


Step 8. Termination process

Execute the following command to logout from the login server and bash.

-bash-4.2$ exit
[hpciuser@a4dc58b0dee1 ~]$
PS C:\Users\username>

Execute the following command to stop the Docker container.

PS C:\Users\username> docker stop gsi-openssh
PS C:\Users\username>