Although SQUID's general-purpose CPU nodes have 76 cores per node, you may not use all cores in one program. In such a case, it is better you execute multiple programs in one job with the following job-script. You can use effectively SQUID computing resources.


Job script example: execute 4 sequential processing programs in 1 job

    Execute 4 programs (a.out to d.out) that have not been parallelized with OpenMP or MPI in 1 job.


Job script example: execute 4 OpenMP programs in 1 job

    4 programs (a.out - d.out) parallelized by OpenMP or Automatic parallel are executed in 1 job. a.out is executed with 8 parallel, b.out with 4 parallel, c.out with 2 parallel, and d.out with no parallel. If you want all of them to have the same number of parallelism, please specify only once at the beginning (export OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 in the following example).


Job script example: execute 2 MPI programs in 1 job

    2 MPI programs (a-mpi.out and b-mpi.out) are executed in 1 job. a-mpi.out is executed in 76 parallel and b-mpi.out in 152 parallel on 3 nodes, general-purpose CPU.