You can use the following commands for a scheduler system on SQUID:


qsub: submit batch request

For a batch request submission, the qsub command is used.

% qsub [job-script file]


Execution example

Request 12345.sqd submitted to queue: SQUID.

The above example shows how a batch request is submitted to the job class "SQUID". Batch requests are submitted and accepted are assigned a Request ID. In the above example, the request ID is 12345.sqd.


check your batch request

Right after a batch request is received, the batch request goes into "QUE" status. When the batch is registered and scheduled onto the scheduler map, the batch request goes into. When a computation starts, the status of it becomes "RUN"(execution)status.


The following commands can check the status of your batch request.

Command name output
qstat display the status of your submitted batch request
sstat display the schedule status of your submitted batch request


qstat command

    This command shows the status of your submitted batch requests.

    % qstat


    Execution example

    RequestID ReqName UserName Queue Pri STT S Memory CPU Elapse R H M Jobs
    ----------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- - -------- -------- -------- - - - ----
    53678.oct AAA.nqs User_A OC1C 0 RUN - 617.29M 79997.28 80254 Y Y Y 1
    53720.oct BBB.nqs User_A OC1C 0 QUE - 0.00B 0 0 Y Y Y 1

    The display information from qstat is as follows.



    This is the number assigned to submitted batch request.



    The name of the batch request is shown.



    User ID on SQUID


    The name of the queue displayed here is "Execution Queue". As to "Execution queue", see the job class tables below:
    Job class table



    Priority of batch request

    STT:Status of batch request

        QUE queued:Waiting for execution
        RUN running:Running computation
        POR post-running:Waiting for termination of sleep request
        PRR pre-running:Waiting for execution of sleep request
        EXT exiting:Moving computation result file (inc. staging out)
        STG staging:Generating batch job or moving input file(stage in)
        HLD held:pending
        HOL holding:requesting for pending
        WAT waiting:Waiting for scheduled time
        SUS suspending,suspended,resuming:Requesting suspension/Suspended/Resuming
        TRS transferring:Transferring from transfer queue
        ARI arriving:Receiving from transfer queue
        MIG migrating:Migrating request
        RST restarting:Restarting from check point
        CHK checkpointing:Checkpointing


    S:stall status

        Y stall
        - normal
        batch request under stall status cannot be executed correctly.


qstatgroup command

    This command shows the status of batch requests submitted by group members.
    (In the case of the HPCI user, this shows the scheduling status of batch requests submitted by HPCI project members.)

    % qstatgroup

    The display of the command is updated every 15 minutes.


qstatall command

    This command shows the status of all batch requests submitted. However, except for jobs of you and your group member, it masks user-name and script name.

    % qstatall

    The display of the command is updated every 15 minutes.


sstat command

    This command shows the scheduling status of the submitted batch job request.

    % sstat


    Output example

    RequestID ReqName UserName Queue Pri STT PlannedStartTime
    --------------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------- --- -------------------
    12345.oct BBB.nqs User_B OC1C 0.0000/ 0.0000 QUE -

    The information obtained with a sstat command is as follows:

    RequestID:Request ID

    This is the number assigned to the submitted batch request.


    ReqName:name of batch request

    This is the name of the batch request.


    UserName:user name


    Queue:the name of the queue where the batch request is located

    The name of queue displayed here is the "Execution Queue".
    For the"Execution queue", see the job class tables below:
    Job class table


    Pri:priority of batch request


    STT:status of batch request

        QUE QUEUED:Waiting for execution
        RUN RUNNING:Running computation
        ASG ASSIGNED:Computational resource is assigned
        POR POST-RUNNING:Waiting for termination of sleep request
        PRR PRE-RUNNING:Waiting for execution of sleep request
        EXT EXITING:Moving computation result file (inc. staging out)
        STG STAGING:Generating batch job or moving input file(stage in)
        HLD HELD:pending
        HOL HOLDING:requesting for pending
        WAT WAITING:Waiting for scheduled time
        SUS SUSPENDING,SUSPENDED,RESUMING:Requesting suspension/Suspended/Resuming
        TRS TRANSFERRING:Transferring from transfer queue
        ARI ARRIVING:Receiving from transfer queue
        MIG MIGRATING:Migrating request
        RST RESTARTING:Restarting from check point
        CHK CHECKPOINTING:Checkpointing


    PlannedStartTime:planned time for starting computation

    When "STT:status of batch request" becomes "ASG"、PlannedStartTime can be displayed.

sstatgroup command

    This command shows the scheduling status of batch requests submitted by group members.
    (In the case of the HPCI user, this shows the scheduling status of batch requests submitted by HPCI project members.)

    % sstatgroup

    The display of the command is updated every 15 minutes.


sstatall command

    This command shows the scheduling status of all batch requests submitted. However, except for jobs of you and your group member, it masks user-name and script name.

    % sstatall

    The display of the command is updated every 15 minutes.


check job-script and standard-output/error on your batch request

qcat command

Execution Example

% qcat 123456.oct(Request ID)
-> output job-script
% qcat -e 123456.oct (Request ID)
-> output standard error
% qcat -o 123456.sqd (Request ID)
-> output standard output


delete your batch request

qdel command

    This command removes the submitted batch request from the queue

    Execution example

    % qdel 123456.oct # you need to specify the batch request ID you want to delete.
    Request 123456.oct was deleted.


check a batch request history

acstat command

    You can check your batch request history with this command.
    Execution example

    % acstat
    -> output a history from 24 hours ago to now.
    % acstat -A
    -> output a history in this fiscal year.


acstatgroup command

    You can check your batch request history with this command.
    Execution example

    % acstatgroup
    -> output a history from 24 hours ago to now.
    % acstatgroup -A
    -> output a history in this fiscal year.


Other commands

    If you are interested in other related useful commands, please read the following manual.
    NQSV Manual