The following list is software and library installed on SX-ACE.

Product name Version Installed path
AVS/Express 8.3 /sc/cmc/apl/AVS/v8.3/express83
IDL 8.3 /sc/cmc/apl/IDL/idl83
VisIt 2.10.2 /sc/cmc/apl/VISIT/visit2_10_2.linux-x86_64
Gaussian09* e01 /sc/cmc/apl/Gaussian/ace
Quantum Espresso* 5.4.0 /sc/cmc/apl/QE/5.4.0/ace/
NetCDF 3.6.1 /sc/cmc/apl/NetCDF/SX
HDF5 1.8.15 /sc/cmc/apl/HDF5/hdf5-1.8.15/ace
ASL Please see this page for a detail.
ASL STAT Please see this page for a detail.
ASL QUAD Please see this page for a detail.
MathKeisan Please see this page for a detail.

* Trial service