What will become my submitted job before maintenance or during the maintenance ?

Basically, the job will run correctly. But that action differs depending on your submitted time or your specified elapse-time.

* Please note that your job might not run depending on situation of jobs the other users submitted, in the case of shared use.
Please see the following about the detail.

If you submitted a job before the maintenance

If Planned End Time of your submitted job exceed the beginning time of the maintenance, your job will not run till the maintenance finished. Planned End Time is calculated from submit-time and elapse-time which you specified elapstim_req at job-script.
For example, if you specified "elapstime_req=5:00:00" at your job-script and you submitted your job on 1:00 p.m., Planned End Time become 6:00 p.m.
* Without depending on the above, please note that your job might not run depending on situation of jobs the other users submitted, in the case of shared use.


If Planned End Time of your submitted job doesn't exceed the beginning time of the maintenance

Your job will run correctly without waiting the maintenance finished.

If Planned End Time of your submitted job exceed the beginning time of the maintenance

As mentioned above, your job will not run till the maintenance finished. The submitted job is received as QUE status, and will run after the maintenance except the maintenance held in the end of the fiscal year. All jobs will be deleted in the maintenance held in the end of the fiscal year. If you re-adjust the elapsed-time (elapstime_req) so as not to exceed the beginning time of maintenance and if re-submit, your job might be run soon. When you are in a hurry, please try it.

From before planning the maintenance, if you have ran the job that Planned End Time exceed the beginning time of the maintenance

Maybe this situation will be in the case of dedicated use only. Your job will run correctly till the beginning maintenance. We're afraid that you must stop during the maintenance. If your job corresponds to this situation, we would contact you.


If you submit a job during the maintenance

Your job will not run till the maintenance finished. The submitted job is received as QUE status, and will run after the maintenance.

If you submit a job after the maintenance

Your job will run correctly.