Numerical simulation of turbulent flows and multiphase flows


Takeo Kajishima, Shintaro Takeuchi, Takeshi Omori

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University



Publication related to your research:
(Journal paper)

  • Hiroki Fukuoka, Shintaro Takeuchi, Takeo Kajishima: Interaction between fluid and flexible membrane structures by a new fixed-grid direct forcing method, AIP Conf. Proc.1702, No.190014, 2015
    鈴木浩平,大森健史,梶島岳夫: 多面体格子における二相流解析手法の開発(第1報,界面の移流法および界面曲率算出法), 日本機械学会論文集, Vol.81, No.828, p.15-00256, 2015.8
    日角友香,大森健史,山口康隆,梶島岳夫: 分子動力学法を用いた接触線の移動を伴う流れの固液境界モデルに関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集, Vol.81, No.831, p.15-00409, 2015.11
    Shintaro Takeuchi, Takaaki Tsutsumi, Katsuya Kondo, Takeo Kajishima: Heat transfer in natural convection with finite-sized particles considering thermal conductance due to inter-particle contacts, to appear in Computational Thermal Sciences
    Daisuke Takagi, Shintaro Takeuchi and Takeo Kajishima: Role of Vortical Structures on the Forced Convective Heat Transfer in Oscillation-Controlled Coaxial-Pipe Heat Exchanger, to appear in Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol.22 (4), pp. 345–369, 2015


(International conference paper)

  • Shintaro Takeuchi, Takaaki Tsutsumi, Takeo Kajishima: Heat transfer in particle-dispersed two phase flows considering temperature gradient within the particles, ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, Paper CHT-15-61, 2015.5
    Toshiaki Fukada, Shintaro Takeuchi, Takeo Kajishima: Deflection of the wake of a particle in sheared ambient flows, International Conference of Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, Stockholm Sweden, 2015.6.15 (to appear in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol.185, 2016)
    Takanori Hanawa, Suguru Miyauchi, Shintaro Takeuchi, Takeo Kajishima: DNS analysis of the interaction between turbulent flow and elastic fibers implanted on a flat plate, 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.6.30
    Takeo Kajishima, Katsuya Kondo, Shintaro Takeuchi: Numerical simulation of heat transfer in shear flow of liquid-solid two-phase medea by immersed solid approach, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015.7.26
    Yuichi Kunishima, Takeo Kajishima, Michihisa Tsutahara: Simulations of fully developed channel flow by a new high-resolution scheme of the finite-difference lattice Boltzmann mthod, ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015.7.26
    Takeo Kajishima, Shintaro Takeuchi: Direct numerical simulation of heat transfer in liquid-solid two-phase media, 7th European-Japanese Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Zermatt, Switzerland, 2015.10.11
    Takeshi Omori, Takeo Kajishima: Dynamic contact angle in narrow slit pores, 7th European-Japanese Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting, Zermatt, Switzerland, 2015.10.11
    Kenshi Hirai, Takeo Kajishima: Numerical study of aerodynamic characteristic of corrugated thin wing, The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 2015, Busan, Korea, ASCHT 15-Mon05-012, 2015.11.22
    Takeshi Harada, Shintaro Takeuchi, Takeo Kajishima: Computational study of heat transfer in particle-laden flow considering temperature gradient within particles and inter-particle lubrication. Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow 2015, Busan, Korea, ASCHT 15-Wed04-003, 2015.11.22


(Domestic conference/wokrshop)

  • 兼子泰明, 大森健史, 梶島 岳夫: 気液界面近傍をヒービング運動する翼に働く流体力の数値解析, 第29回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集, B01-2, 2015.12.15
    稲岡拓也, 梶島岳夫: 1方程式型SGSモデルを用いた翼周りのキャビテーション乱流に対するLES, 第29回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集, B01-3, 2015.12.15
    國嶋雄一, 梶島岳夫, 蔦原道久: 差分格子ボルツマン法を用いた空力音の直接解析の高レイノルズ数流れへの進展, 第29回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集, C08-4, 2015.12.16
    足立理人, 大森健史, 梶島岳夫: 上昇気泡からの高シュミット数条件下における物質輸送の数値解析, 日本機械学会 関西支部第91期定時総会講演会 講演前刷集, M812, 2016.3.11
    前田紘志, 大森健史, 梶島岳夫: Diffuse-Interface法による微小流路内の移動接触線を伴う二相流の解析, 日本機械学会 関西支部第91期定時総会講演会 講演前刷集, M814, 2016.3.11


Posted : March 31,2016