The programming language Python (3.6/2.7) is available for SQUID.

How to use

environmental setting

    You need to set up the environment using "environment modules". Please note that the procedure is different for Python 3 and Python 2.

    for General purpose CPU nodes

     $ module load BasePy
     $ python3
     $ module load BasePy
     $ module --force switch python3/3.6 python3/3.8
     $ python3
     $ module load BasePy
     $ module load python2/2.7
     $ python2

    for GPU nodes

     $ module load BasePy
     $ module --force switch python3/3.6 python3/3.6.GPU
     $ module load BaseGCC
     $ module load cuda/11.2
     $ module load cudnn/


Install Package

    Any package can be installed on the front-end node of SQUID. Since connection to the outside world is prohibited from the computation node, please install the packages necessary for the calculation on the front-end node beforehand.
    To install the package, please create a virtual environment with venv and use the pip command.
    The following is the procedure to create a virtual environment "test-env" and install "numpy".

    Create a virtual environment "test-env".
    $ python3 -m venv /sqfs/work/[group name]/[user name]/test-env/
    activate "test-env".
    $ source /sqfs/work/[group name]/[user name]
    install package "numpy"
    $ pip install numpy
     Collecting numpy
       Downloading numpy-1.20.3-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (15.4 MB)
          |????????????????????????????????| 15.4 MB 8.7 MB/s
     Installing collected packages: numpy
     Successfully installed numpy-1.20.3
    Displays the installed packages
    $ pip freeze


Reference Information

Python Official page
Python Japan