How do I assign one MPI process each per node by round-robin?
[Supplementation for Question]
If I run parallel computing job(Intel MPI) on 4 node of VCC (20 core), I want to assign MPI nodes as the following:
node 1: rank 0, 4, 8, ..., 76
node 2: rank 1, 5, 9, ..., 77
node 3: rank 2, 6, 10, ..., 78
node 4: rank 3, 7, 11, ..., 79
In the case of this parallel computing, please specify as the following job-script:
#PBS -b 4
mpiexec -ppn 1 -n 80 ./a.out
manual about -ppn option for mpiexec(IntelMPI)
-perhost <# of processes>, -ppn <# of processes, -grr <# of processes>
Use this option to place the specified number of consecutive MPI processes on every host in the group using round robin scheduling.