In all likelihood, your compile exceed the limit of stack size on frontend server.
the limit of stack size is normally 10240 K bytes. Please change the limit number, and try to re-compile.
You can change the limit of stack size with the following command:
limit stacksize (anything number) kbytes
If you have got same error message on stack size changed, Please inquiry us from the following web form. We will investigate your compile.
We have not provided document file, but have provided "man" command for "sxar" or "sxld". Please input the following command:
sxman sxar
sxman sxld
You can't use the shared library(.so:Dynamic Shared Object) on SX. SX supports only static library.
Please use just a object code file or use archiving file(.a: Please change your shared library with "sxar" command).
sxar vr (library name).a (library name).so
In the case of C++/SX's Format List, it print a status letter,"S" or "A" or "I", etc, in the order of descending priorities. Therefore, some letter sometimes are overwrote. About the letter "S", if there are both vectorized part and not un-vectorized part, it isn't printed.
Please refer the following manual about a detail.
C++/SX Programmer's Guide
This system has different compilers for each resource. Please see the following page about the detail.
How to use SQUID How to use OCTOPUS
In the case of SX cross compiler, you can compile in the following procedure.
% sxc++ -S a.c
% sxf90 b.f90 a.s
In the case of intel compiler, you can compile in the following procedure.
% icc -c a.c
% ifort b.f90 a.o