vol.10 Field-induced chiral transition and paramagnetic current in superconductivity ~Chiral phenomena generated by paramagnetic coupling of orbital magnetization to magnetic field~

Researcher: Hirono Kaneyasu
Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Material Science, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Hyogo
Abstract: Electrons are pairing in the superconducting state, and various superconducting phenomena occur as features of spin and orbital of electron pairs. One of the phenomena is the chiral state with intrinsic orbital magnetization which generates the spontaneous field. It is not clarified why the chiral superconducting state yields. We study the nature of chiral state by simulation based on the Ginzburg-Landau equation. The numerical analysis clarifies the field-induced chiral transition, paramagnetic supercurrent, and the inversion of chirality. These phenomena are caused by the paramagnetic coupling between the orbital magnetization and the external magnetic fields when the superconducting state varies depending on the distance. The vector parallelization is useful for analyzing the dependence of chiral superconducting state, and it is performed by the SX-Aurora TSUBASA at the Cybermedia Center.

Posted : May 06,2021