Version upgrade of Intel compiler and tools (OCTOPUS)
We upgraded the version of Intel Parallel Studio of OCTOPUS including Intel Compiler on August 20 maintenance.
the latest versions will be as following:
Before Upgrade: Intel Compiler Version 17.0.5 / Intel Parallel Studio 2017u5
After Upgrade: Intel Compiler Version 18.0.3 / Intel Parallel Studio 2018u3
Intel Compiler Version 18.0.3 / Intel Parallel Studio 2018u3 is a default now. Therefore, if you execute "ifort" or "icc" or "icpc" command now without specifying some setting, please note that Intel Compiler Version 18.0.3 run.
We put the older compiler on the following. If you use these, please set an environment variable in advance.
Posted : August 21,2018