Maintenance list
December 10,2024
(Closed) The large-scale computer system will be temporally stopped for maintenance and a scheduled blackout (Jan. 12 - 15)
November 13,2024
Compilation Error and Temporary Workaround in Aurora Compiler Version 5.2.0 and Later
September 25,2024
(Closed) Notice of Temporary Service Suspension due to ONION-file Maintenance (10/7)
August 22,2024
(Closed)Logging in to the HPCI service will be temporarily stopped due to Shibboleth server maintenance (Sep 5)
July 10,2024
(Closed)The stopping of a large-scale computer system due to instantaneous voltage drop on July 10.
April 17,2024
The content regarding the SQUID software update due to the end-of-year maintenance in 2023
March 18,2024
(Closed)About the failure occurring in SQUID (3/18)
March 11,2024
The large-scale computer system will be temporally stopped for maintenance (Mar. 29 - Apr. 8)
February 13,2024
(Closed) User Management System and HPC Usage application form and Portal System will be temporally stopped for maintenance(Feb. 26 - 29)
December 15,2023
(Closed)The large-scale computer system will be temporally stopped for maintenance and a scheduled blackout (Jan. 7 - 10)
October 04,2023
(Closed) I/O delays in the SQUID file system (Lustre)