The Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures is made up of eight centers equipped with supercomputers. These centers are the Information Initiative Center of Hokkaido University, the Cyberscience Center of Tohoku University, the Information Technology Center of the University of Tokyo, the Global Scientific Information and Computing Center of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the Information Technology Center of Nagoya University, the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies of Kyoto University, the Cybermedia Center of Osaka University, and the Research Institute for Information Technology of Kyushu University. This is a network-type joint usage and collaborative research center, and its core institution is the Information Technology Center of the University of Tokyo. The Center began as a program of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) in April 2010.
From 2013 onwards, the JHPCN's centers, as part of the High Performance Computer Infrastructure (HPCI), are responsible for the operation of those joint research resources named the HPCI-JHPCN system. Through collaboration with the wider research community, including K-computer research, the program will promote interdisciplinary joint research.
Please see the following web site about the detail of application.
Joint Research Application (2016)
Posted : December 18,2015