Software Update (Sep 2)
On the system maintenance from Aug 30 until Sep 2, we updated the following four software.
1.Python 3
We installed Python3.5.2 apart from Python2. In the case of using Python3, please use with
"python3.5" command.
You can use Python 2 with "python" command as in the past.
2. XMP commpiler
We updated XMP commpiler to version 1.0.3. You can use it with same command as in the past.
There is the old version(1.0.1) on the following directory.
3.MSC software
We updated to the following version. You can use it with same command as in the past.
4.SX cross compiler
We updated. Because the language specification of C++ was updated, please note that you can not use the function that is excluded from the language specification.
Please see the following page about the detail.
Posted : September 05,2016