Call for proposals of research projects using the HPCI System including K computer will be launched as follows.
This is the call of FY2017 projects for the HPCI System.
Our center's resorces for HPCI is the following.
Please see this page about amount of resources available.
The timeline is the following table.
Start of the call | : September 7, 2016 |
Start of online application | : October 6, 2016 |
End of the call | : November 7, 2016 -> postponed until Nobember 10, 2016 |
Announcement of the award | : Beginning of February, 2017 |
Start of the project use | : April 1, 2017 |
Please see the following page about the detail of call.
HPCI Potal site
Posted : October 06,2016