Papers submitted for AXIES 2021 are now online
The submitted papers for AXIES2021 are now online.
"Expansion of data center facilities for SQUID"
Yuki Teramae, Yuki Katsuura, Shinichiro Kigoshi, AXIES 2021, pp. 115-120, Makuhari, Dec 2021.
- This paper describes the cooling mechanism of the data center "IT Core Building" in which SQUID and OCTOPUS are running. It also describes the outline of the power supply and cooling facilities required for their operation and the enhancement of the facilities. It is recommended for those who are interested in the operating environment of supercomputers.
"ONION Osaka University's Data Aggregation Infrastructure"
Susumu Date, Yuki Teramae, Yuki Katsuura, Shinichiro Kigoshi, Yoshiyuki Kido, AXIES 2021, pp. 130-137, Makuhari, Dec 2021.
- This paper describes overview, details of features and use cases of ONION, as well as performance comparison of SQUID's HDD and SSD area. Please refer to this paper for those who are interested in ONION and are considering using SQUID's SSD area.
Posted : December 16,2021