All user in 2022 fiscal year, except for "HPCI" or "JHPCN" or "Research proposal based use" user, are sure to submit this report!
We announce about report submission in this fiscal year.
Users are requested to submit a report pertaining to your research achievement and progress using our large-scale computer systems. Pleases submit your “Report on system use” and "Research achievement report".
* If some users in same group have same researches, you can unify and submit one report.
* User of "HPCI" or "JHPCN" or "research proposal based use" do not need to submit this report.
* We will get in touch with user of "research proposal based use" again later.
Please see the following page about the way of making and submitting.
About report submission
Submission due: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Please inquiry on the following page, if you have any questions.
Inquiry form
Posted : February 27,2023