News list
November 28,2016
We installed cuDNN library on VCC
November 17,2016
2017 Call for Proposal of Joint Research Projects
November 14,2016
Call for proposal of research projects using our supercomputer system (FY 2017-2018)
November 10,2016
Holding the "RIIT Tutorial 2016 - Julia & FreeFem++"
November 07,2016
SC16 exhibition information was updated
November 02,2016
Version upgrading of AVS/Express (Nov 2)
November 01,2016
The face-to-face consultation trial service for November
October 11,2016
We published Cybermedia HPC journal No.6
October 07,2016
We start to provide the testing service of “Relion” MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
October 06,2016
The face-to-face consultation trial service for October