Thank you for always using the large-scale computer system of the Cybermedia Center.
We would like to hear your opinion on the large-scale computer system of the Cybermedia Center. So please let me know your opinion.
[The current situation of the large-scale computer systems]
From the viewpoint of beneficiary liability, service charge of the center's large-scale computer system is set based on the power consumption consumed by the calculations which users perform on the large-scale computer system. However, due to the recent global situation and the rapid yen depreciation, fuel cost is soaring and making it extremely difficult financially to operate large-scale computer systems under the current service charge system.
Considering this situation, from the beginning of this fiscal year, we will maintain the current service charge system as much as possible and support your research with the lowest service charge while being concerned about the waiting time for job execution, we have been actively (extreme against the amount of calculation requirements) engaged in energy-saving operation of large-scale computer systems. However, from October 2022, due to the contract renewal with the university's electric power company, a further significant increase in electricity bills will be implemented, and we will have no choice but to ask everyone to raise the service charge. So, we would like to ask for your opinion on the operation of large-scale computer systems and service charge in the future.
Thank you for a lot of feedback. The questionnaire has closed.