Numerical Approach to the particle and the nuclear physics
Hiroaki Kouno
Hiroaki Kouno
RCNP(Research Center for Nuclear Physics) Group
(i) 格子QCD
(ii) 少数多体系
(iii) 核構造中性子過剰不安定核の性質、エキゾチック原子核の集団運動
(iv) その他
Publication related to your research:
(Journal paper)
M.Wakayama, T.Kunihiro, S.Muroya, A.Nakamura, C.Nonaka, M.Sekiguchi, H.Wada, "Lattice QCD study of four-quark components of the isosinglet scalar mesons: Significance of disconnected diagrams", Phys.Rev.D91,094508(2015)
E.Itou, K.Nagata, Y.Nakagawa, A.Nakamura, V.I.Zakharov, "Entanglement in Four-Dimensional SU(3) Gauge Theory", Accepted by Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP), arXiv:1512.01334 [hep-th].
K.Iwano, "Ultrafast electronic photoinduced phase transition in a two-dimensional charge-ordering system", Phys.Rev.B91(2015)115108-(1-9)
T.Makiyama, Y.Sakai, T.Saito, M.Ishii, J.Takahashi, K.Kashiwa, H.Kouno, A.Nakamura, M.Yahiro, "Phase structure of two-color QCD at real and imaginary chemical potentials: Lattice simulations and model analyses", Phys.Rev.D93(2016)014505(1-18)
H.Kouno, K.Kashiwa, J.Takahashi, T.Misumi M.Yahiro, "Understanding QCD at high density from a Z3-symmetric QCD-like theory", Phys.Rev.D93(2016)056009(1-10)
Adriano Di Giacomo, Masayasu Hasegawa, "Monopoles in Maximal Abelian gauge, number of zero modes, and instantons", HPC journal, Cybermedia Center, University of Osaka, Japan, No.5 (2015) 21-25.
T.M.Doi, K.Redlich, C.Sasaki, H.Suganuma, "Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in the Dirac Eigenmode Expansion", Phys.Rev.D92(2015)094004
H.Suganuma, T.M.Doi, T.Iritani, "Analytical Formulae of the Polyakov and Wilson Loops with Dirac Eigenmodes in Lattice QCD",PTEP 2016 (2016) 013B06
K.Nagata, J.Nishimura, S.Shimasaki, "Justification of the complex Langevin method with the gauge cooling procedure", Prog.Theor.Exp.Phys.013B01(2016)[arXiv:1508.02377].
A.Nakamura, S.Oka, Y.Taniguchi, "QCD phase transition at real chemical potential with canonical approach", JHEP02(2016)054.
S.Ohnishi, Y.Ikeda, T.Hyodo, W.~Weise, "Structure of the Lambda(1405) and the K^- d -> pi Sigma n reaction", Phys.Rev.C93(2016)025207.
(International conference paper)
Adriano Di Giacomo, Masayasu Hasegawa, "Chiral symmetry breaking, instantons, and monopoles", The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe, Japan (2015),PoS (Lattice 2015) 313, (Submitted), (arXiv:1512.00359)
Adriano Di Giacomo, Masayasu Hasegawa, Fabrizio Pucci, "Chiral symmetry breaking and monopoles", The 8th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics, University of Pisa and INFN, Pisa, Italy (2015), PoS (CD 2015) 127, (arXiv:1510.07463)
T.M.Doi, H.Suganuma, T.Iritani, "Lattice QCD Analysis for Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking", Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, September 8-12 (2014), AIP Conference Proceedings 1701 (2016) 030004
K.Nagata, J.Nishimura, S.Shimasaki,"Testing a generalized cooling procedure in the complex Langevin simulation of chiral Random Matrix Theory", 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Kobe, Japan, July 14-18 (2015), PoS LATTICE 2015, 156(2015) [arXiv:1511.08580].
Shotaro Oka for Zn-Collaboration, "Exploring finite density QCD phase transition with canonical approach ---Power of multiple precision computation--The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", Kobe, Japan, July 14-18 (2015), PoS(LATTICE2015)166.
R.Fukuda, A.Nakamura, S.Oka, "Validity range of canonical approach to finite density QCD", The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Kobe, Japan, July 14-18 (2015), PoS(LATTICE2015)167.
R.Fukuda, A.Nakamura, S.Oka, et al., "Beating the sign problem in finite density lattice QCD", The 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Kobe, Japan, July 14-18 (2015), PoS(LATTICE2015)208.
M. Wakayama, "Lattice study of four-quark components of the iso-singlet scalar", July 2015, Kobe, Lattice 2015
M. Wakayama, "Disconnected quark loop contributions to the scalar meson in the lattice QCD", Sep. 2015, Central China Normal University,China, XQCD 2015
K.Nagata, J.Nishimura, S.Shimasaki, "Gauge cooling for the singular-drift problem in the complex Langevin method --a test in Random Matrix Theory for finite density QCD", arXiv:1604.07717 [hep-lat].
T.Ichihara, K.Nagata, K.Kashiwa, "Test for a universal behavior of Dirac eigenvalues in the complex Langevin method", arXiv:1603.09554 [hep-lat].
Posted : March 31,2016