Simulation study of cardiac electrical excitation using virtual heart model


Authors:1Shin Inada,2Ryo Haraguchi,3Takashi Ashihara,4Kazuo Nakazawa

Affiliation:1Faculty of Health Care Sciences, Himeji Dokkyo University, and National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center,2Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo,3Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science, and National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center,4National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center



Publication related to your research
(Journal paper)

  • Sakata K, Okuyama Y, Ozawa T, Haraguchi R, Nakazawa K, Tsuchiya T, Horie M, Ashihara T: Not all rotors, effective ablation targets for nonparoxysmal atrial fibrillation, are included in areas suggested by conventional indirect indicators of atrial fibrillation drivers: ExTRa Mapping project. J Arrhythm 2018;34. (In press)
  • 稲田 慎,柴田仁太郎,芦原貴司,池田隆徳,中沢一雄:副交感神経活動が房室結節の電気的興奮に与える影響:シミュレーションによる検討.信学技報 2017;117(507):11-16.


(International conference paper)

  • 稲田慎,柴田仁太郎,芦原貴司,池田隆徳,中沢一雄.副交感神経活動が房室結節の電気的興奮に与える影響 ―シミュレーションによる検討―,MEとバイオサイバネティクス研究会(2018/3/13-14,口頭発表,東京(機械進行会館)).
  • Sataka K, Ozawa T, Okuyama Y, Haraguchi R, Tsuchiya T, Horie M, Ashihara T: Long-term effect of non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation ablation is not reflected by the prolongation of atrial fibrillation cycle length but by the regional organization of wave dynamics detected by novel online realtime phase mapping system just after the ablation. American Heart Association (AHA) 89th Scientific Sessions, 2017/11/11-15, Poster, Anaheim (Anaheim Convention Center).
  • Sakata K, Ozawa T, Okuyama Y, Haraguchi R, Tsuchiya T, Horie M, Ashihara T: Not all non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation drivers are included in complex fractionated electrogram area or low-voltage area: ExTRa Mapping Project. The 10th Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS) in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS) 2017, 2017/09/14-17, Rapid Firing (English), Yokohama (PACIFICO Yokohama).
  • Sakata K, Ozawa T, Okuyama Y, Haraguchi R, Tsuchiya T, Horie M, Ashihara T: Non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation wave dynamics were determined by age rather than echocardiographic measurements or BNP: ExTRa Mapping Project. The 10th Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS) in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS) 2017, 2017/09/14-17, Oral (English), Yokohama (PACIFICO Yokohama).
  • Inada S, Aiba T, Haraguchi R, Ashihara T, Kusano K, Shimizu W, Ikeda T, Nakazawa K: Ventricular arrhythmias initiated from conduction delay zone around right ventricular outflow tract epicardium: A simulation study. The 10th Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS) in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS) 2017, 2017/09/14-17, Oral (English), Yokohama (PACIFICO Yokohama).
  • Ashihara T, Sakata K, Okuyama Y, Ozawa T, Haraguchi R, Fukui A, Yamaguchi T, Tsuchiya T, Horie M: ExTRa Mapping-guided ablation targeting non-passively activated area is very effective for long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation. The 10th Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS) in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS) 2017, 2017/09/14-17, Oral, Yokohama (PACIFICO Yokohama).
  • Ashihara T, Sakata K, Okuyama Y, Ozawa T, Haraguchi R, Fukui A, Yamaguchi T, Tsuchiya T, Horie M: ExTRa Mapping-guided ablation targeting non-passively activated area is very effective for long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation. The 10th Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Scientific Session (APHRS) in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS) 2017, 2017/09/14-17, Oral, Yokohama (PACIFICO Yokohama).
  • Sakata K, Ozawa T, Okuyama Y, Haraguchi R, Tsuchiya T, Horie M, Ashihara T: Non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation wave dynamics were determined by age rather than echocardiographic measurements and BNP: A clinical study using the ExTRa Mapping system. The 39th Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC Congress 2017), 2017/08/26-30, Poster, Barcelona (Fira Gran Via, Spain).
  • Sakata K, Okuyama Y, Ozawa T, Haraguchi R, Horie M, Ashihara T: Using large-tip ablation catheter markedly decreases bipolar signal amplitude near spiral wave center but this is not the case with using multi-electrode mapping catheter: A simulation study. The 39th Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC Congress 2017), 2017/08/26-30, Moderated Poster, Barcelona (Fira Gran Via, Spain).
  • Sakata K, Okuyama Y, Ozawa T, Haraguchi R, Horie M, Ashihara T: Using large-tip ablation catheter markedly decreases bipolar signal amplitude near spiral wave center but this is not the case with using multi-electrode mapping catheter: A simulation study. The 39th Annual Congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC Congress 2017), 2017/08/26-30, Moderated Poster, Barcelona (Fira Gran Via, Spain).
  • Inada S, Inoue Y, Shibata N, Yamamoto T, Ashihara T, Aiba T, Kusano K, Ikeda T, Mitsui K, Nakazawa K: Analyzing vectorcardiograms synthesized from 12-lead electrocardiogram to predict the origin of sinus rhythm and premature contraction. The 44th International Congress on Electrocardiology (ICE)/The 17th Congress of the International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE), 2017/06/24-27, Poster, Portland (Portland Art Museum , U.S.A.).
  • Ashihara T, Sakata K, Okuyama Y, Ozawa T, Tsuchiya T, Haraguchi R, Horie M: ExTRa Mapping-guided non-passive activation ablation is very effective for non-paroxysmal AF. Heart Rhythm 2017 Scientific Sessions, 2017/05/10-13, Poster, Chicago (McCormick Place, U.S.A.).


(Domestic conference/workshop)

  • 芦原貴司,坂田憲祐,奥山雄介,小澤友哉,土谷 健,原口 亮,稲田 慎,中沢一雄,堀江 稔,杉本喜久,永田 啓:慢性心房細動アブレーションの新たな治療戦略に向けたインシリコの応用.第37回医療情報学連合大会(第18回日本医療情報学会学術大会),2017/11/20-23,口述,大阪(グランキューブ大阪・大阪国際会議場)
  • 稲田 慎,井上優子,柴田仁太郎,山本 剛,芦原貴司,相庭武司,草野研吾,池田隆徳,三井和幸,中沢一雄:ベクトル心電図特徴量と不整脈発生起源との関係.第37回医療情報学連合大会(第18回日本医療情報学会学術大会),2017/11/20-23,口述,大阪(グランキューブ大阪・大阪国際会議場).
  • 稲田慎.コンピュータシミュレーションを用いた心臓電気現象の理解を目指した取り組み,平成29年度統計数理研究所共同研究集会「生体信号・イメージングデータ解析に基づくダイナミカルバイオインフォマティクスの展開」(2017/10/26-27,統計数理研究所)).
  • 芦原貴司,坂田憲祐,奥山雄介,小澤友哉,原口 亮,稲田 慎,中沢一雄,土谷 健,堀江 稔:長期持続性心房細動に対するExTRa Mappingガイド下非受動興奮領域アブレーションの有用性:ExTRa Mapping Project.第32回心電情報処理ワークショップ(JSCE2017)/第27回体表心臓微小電位研究会/第14回心電図伝送システム研究会合同集会,2017/06/10,口述,東京(京王プラザホテル).
  • 稲田 慎,井上優子,柴田仁太郎,山本 剛,芦原貴司,相庭武司,草野研吾,池田隆徳,三井和幸,中沢一雄:健常者と患者におけるベクトル心電図特徴量の比較検討.第32回心電情報処理ワークショップ(JSCE2017)/第27回体表心臓微小電位研究会/第14回心電図伝送システム研究会合同集会,2017/06/10,口述,東京(京王プラザホテル).
  • 坂田憲祐,小澤友哉,奥山雄介,原口 亮,稲田 慎,中沢一雄,土谷 健,堀江 稔,芦原貴司:非発作性心房細動における興奮波ダイナミクスは構造的リモデリング指標よりも年齢によって規定される:ExTRa Mapping Project.第32回心電情報処理ワークショップ(JSCE2017)/第27回体表心臓微小電位研究会/第14回心電図伝送システム研究会合同集会,2017/06/10,口述,東京(京王プラザホテル).



  • 副島京子,山根禎一,芦原貴司,五十嵐都,荻ノ沢泰司,加藤律史,草間芳樹,栗田康生,佐藤俊明,高木雅彦,丹野 郁,中井俊子,八木哲夫,山城荒平:日本不整脈心電学会・心電図検定委員会編著:改訂3版 心電図検定公式問題集&ガイド:受験者必携! 2級/3級.メディカ出版,大阪,2018, pp. 1-128.
  • 芦原貴司:線維芽細胞と興奮伝導・伝播異常.井上 博編:Medical Topics Series:不整脈2017.メディカルレビュー社,大阪,2017, pp. 20-29.


Posted : March 01,2018