Numerical Approach to the particle and nuclear physics
Authors:Etsuko Ito
Affiliation: Research and education for natural sciences, Keio university
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka university
Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi university
Affiliation: Research and education for natural sciences, Keio university
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka university
Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi university
(i) 格子QCD
(ii) 少数多体系・原子核構造
(iii) 機械学習
加速器実験への応用(加速器の運転制御、Belle実験・ILC実験での信号識別・フレーバー識別、ILC SiDカロリメータのエネルギー較正)
(iv) その他
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"On the occurrence of fast neutrino flavor conversions in multidimensional supernova models",
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(International conference paper)
Etsuko Itou,
"Resurgence and fractional instanton of the SU(3) gauge theory in weak coupling regime",
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Tatsuhiro Misumi, Toshiaki Fujimori, Etsuko Itou, Muneto Nitta, Norisuke Sakai,
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Posted : March 31,2020