
Is there any manual to understand error messages?

set queue mapsize sched_time =421200 A256H
Please see the compiler manual.
These are on the following page. Access to these manuals require authentication, user account.

user manual


Is there any sample program and so on which I can use?

Please see the following page.
How to use SQUID How to use OCTOPUS


I have forgot my login password. How should I do?

Please apply the "パスワード初期化申請をする" button on the following web site.

the Web application system


How can I connect to CMC's supercomputer?

Please see the following page about how to connect.
How to login

In the case of HPCI user or JHPCN-HPCI user, please see the following page.
How to login(for HPCI user)


How can I apply for the Cybermedia Center's service?

Please see the following page about the use application.
Service application


Is there any restriction of purpose and qualification when using large-scale computer systems?

Please refer to the following page about a qualification and rule for CMC service.
Qualification and Rule for CMC Service


Environmental variable and options specified in my job script are not reflected to my computation.

In your job script, you can set up environmental variable and options using setenv command. However, when you execute parallel job at multiple nodes, they are not reflected to all slave nodes.

In this case, please use the NQSII option '-v' in the job script as follows.

#PBS -v [environment variable or options]=[value]


How can I end to use ?

You do not have to do anything. If you would not apply for continue service to the next fiscal year, we end your account at the end of fiscal year.


Can I check when my job starts?

You can check your job status with the following command.


If the system decide when your job starts, STT will change status to ASG(Assigned) and PlannedStartTime will show what time your job starts.
Please see the following page about the detail.

About scheduler command


Can I use Lapack and Blas library ?

You can use these libraries on our all system.
We are providing the library, MathKeisan, for SX-ACE user. This library include Blas and Lapack and other library. Please see the following page about the detail of use.
How to use MathKeisan
And we are providing the library, IntelMKL, for OCTOPUS user. This library include Lapack and Blas also. Please see the following page about the detail of use.

How to use IntelMKL(OCTOPUS)


I got the error message "No request queue specified, and no local default has been defined." when I submitted a job request.

It probably has a problem with a character/line feed code in your job script. Our system's character encoding is UTF-8 and the line feed code is LF. When you copy a file to our system, you should do it by ASCII or convert codes using the command like iconv.


My job request has been in waiting queue for long time..

The scheduler is scheduling jobs by requested resources and user's priority. Therefore, you may have to wait depending on your request.
You can see the scheduling status of your job using the command below.



When the status(STT) is ASG(Assigned), it indicates that the job is scheduled already. PlannedStartTime shows actually execution start time of it.
For further information, please see below.


About scheduler command


If you wait a very long time, the job request might be exceeded resource limit. Or there might be any problem with the system. In that case, Please contact us.




実行中のジョブが終了したことを合図に、次のジョブを自動で投入したい。 その際、実行中のjobが成功したかどうかで、投入するジョブを変えたい。



「NQS利用の手引」のリファレンス編 第1章 ユーザコマンドをご参照頂けますようお願い致します。

※ man qwait でもヘルプを参照できます。

qwait については下記のような使い方が可能です。

監視スクリプトをバックグラウンド実行し、スクリプト内で qwaitを実行します。

$ qsub job1-1
Request 12345.cmc submitted to queue: Pxx.
$ (./chkjob >& log &)

----- chkjob
while :
qwait 12345.cmc #リクエストIDを任意のものに変更して下さい
case $? in
0) qsub job1-2;exit;;
1) qsub job2-1;exit;;
2) qsub job3-1;exit;;
3) echo NQS error | mail xxxx@yyyy.ac.jp;exit;;#メールアドレスを任意のものに変更してください
7) continue;;
*) ;;



ジョブを実行しても、エラーメッセージに 「/var/spool/nqsII/jsv/jobfile/****/user_script: コマンドが見つかりません.」 と出力され実行されない。


    1.先頭行の "#!" で指定されているコマンド名(通常はシェル名)の絶対パスが誤っている可能性があります。
    2.ジョブスクリプトファイルの改行コードが CRLF (Windows)になっている可能性があります。
     スクリプトファイルは、文字コードを "UTF-8"、改行コードを "LF" で作成してください。


     (秀丸エディタ[シェアウェア] や サクラエディタ 等いろいろあります)
      ※ 文字コードは "UTF-8"、改行コードは "LF" を指定
    ・WinSCP でファイルをアップロードする時に転送モードを"テキスト" に設定するか、
     ファイルの拡張子をテキストだと自動判別されるもの(.txt , .sh 等)にする。
     ※ この方法では文字コードには対応できません


    sed 's/r//g' sample.sh > sample2.sh


How can I call a subroutine of C from the program of Fortran ?

In the case of SX cross compiler, you can compile in the following procedure.

% sxc++ -S a.c
% sxf90 b.f90 a.s

In the case of intel compiler, you can compile in the following procedure.

% icc -c a.c
% ifort b.f90 a.o

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