This page shows the list of finished training sessions. This is the list of only ones held in fiscal 2022.

The first Supercomputer
In this training, we’re going to learn about the basics of supercomputers in the Cyber media Center and how to use them.
We will distribute “The free trial accounts” for one week of free use of large-scale computer systems. This training would be highly recommended to those who are considering researching using a supercomputer.
Anyone who is a teacher or student at a university, or a technical college can take the course, so please feel free to take it. Those who consider the use of our large-scale computer systems are welcomed.

また、大規模な並列計算が可能な大型計算機やコンピュータシステムを扱うのに必要となる Unix についても、

本講習会ではOpenMPによる一般的な並列プログラミングの基礎とその利用方法を Fortran を用いた実習により説明します。スーパーコンピュータを1週間自由に使える「無料お試しアカウント」付きです。

An introduction to Parallel Programming (OpenMP/MPI)
In this training seminar, we will explain the basics and how to use parallel programming using the automatic parallelization function that can be used in general OpenMP, MPI, and Vector processor as parallel programming methods. It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

An introduction to supercomputer batch system
In this training seminar, we will explain the outline of the use of calculator (batch use) by submitting job scripts, which is necessary for calculations on supercomputers, and learn how to submit jobs to use the system of the Cybermedia Center. In the second half of the seminar, we will introduce advanced job submission methods such as applied techniques and container use. It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

Seminar for make the best use of ONION
In this training seminar , we will explain the basic structure and functions of ONION and will show you how to store and reference data, usage cases, and usage methods dependent on the situation.

SX-Aurora TSUBASA Basics of acceleration techniques
In this workshop, we will explain performance measurement and basic tuning methods for the purpose of acceleration of programs that run on vector processors (SX-Aurora TSUBASA) installed on SQUID’s vector nodes.
It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

General-purpose CPU node Basics of acceleration techniques (Intel compiler)
In this training, we will explain the overview of Intel Compiler introduced in SQUID and OCTOPUS, various options available for Intel Compiler, and learn about tuning methods using these. It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

また、大規模な並列計算が可能な大型計算機やコンピュータシステムを扱うのに必要となる Unix についても、


The first Supercomputer
In this training, we’re going to learn about the basics of supercomputers in the Cyber media Center and how to use them. We will distribute “The free trial accounts” for one week of free use of large-scale computer systems. This training would be highly recommended to those who are considering researching using a supercomputer. Anyone who is a teacher or student at a university, or a technical college can take the course, so please feel free to take it. Those who consider the use of our large-scale computer systems are welcomed.

SX-Aurora TSUBASA Basics of acceleration techniques
In this workshop, we will explain performance measurement and basic tuning methods for the purpose of acceleration of programs that run on vector processors (SX-Aurora TSUBASA) installed on SQUID’s vector nodes.
It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

General-purpose CPU node Basics of acceleration techniques (Intel compiler)
In this training, we will explain the overview of Intel Compiler introduced in SQUID and OCTOPUS, various options available for Intel Compiler, and learn about tuning methods using these. It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

An introduction to Parallel Programming (OpenMP/MPI)
In this training seminar, we will explain the basics and how to use parallel programming using the automatic parallelization function that can be used in general OpenMP, MPI, and Vector processor as parallel programming methods. It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

An introduction to supercomputer batch system
In this training seminar, we will explain the outline of the use of calculator (batch use) by submitting job scripts, which is necessary for calculations on supercomputers, and learn how to submit jobs to use the system of the Cybermedia Center. In the second half of the seminar, we will introduce advanced job submission methods such as applied techniques and container use. It comes with a “free trial account” that allows you to use the supercomputer freely for one week.

AkaiKKR講習会 −全国共同利用大規模並列計算システムOCTOPUSを用いたハンズオン−


本講習会では、OpenACC を用いてノード内の複数GPUを活用するプログラミング技法を中心に学びます。


ONION-object 入門
本講習会ではONION-objectの概要について説明し、WebのGUIでの操作方法や、S3 APIを介した利用方法について学びます。