Currently, four NEC Express5800/R120e-2M are used as the Frontend nodes. The spec is as follows:
 CPU:intel Xeon E5-2670v2
 OS:RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.4

Users need to submit a batch request from a Frontend node to our large-scale computer systems. Making a source code and generation of the execution module must be performed on a Frontend node in principle.

When using the Frontend note, you must learn about configuration and command usage below:

About Shell

csh is set as default. This web site provides explanation assuming csh.
bash is slso available but cannot be configured as login shell.

Initial configuration file

~/.cshrc is a configuration file executed when a user logs in. Because this file is always read, users can add commands the user wants to run during the login process. Configuration of various environment variables and aliases for personalizing the user environment are useful.
* ~/ : represents the user's home directory.

Example of ~/.cshrc

A line starting with # is treated as a comment.

set path=($path /add/new/path)
# ↑ adding '/add/new/path' to environmental variable
alias la ‘ls –a’
# ↑ configuration of alias


About program execution

Program execution is prohibited on the frontend node in principle.
Please use the frontend node only for making source code and script and compilation of a program. If the administrative staff finds a long-running process, we may stop it.


About the UNIX command

By typing UNIX commands through CUI (Character User Interface) on the Frontend node, users can perform file operation, edit, and submit job requests.

% COMMAND [Option] [arguments] (Enter)
% cp –r /home/src ./work (example)


Frequently used commands

command function
file operation commands ls show the list of file and directory
cd move working directory to specified directory
mkdir making directory
rm removing file
cp copying file
mv renaming file
file browsing cat display file content
more display file content on a per-page basis
less advanced version of more
editor emacs emacs editor
vi vi editor


man command is a useful command you should know.

% man command name
% man ls  (Enter)



We disconnect sessions idling longer than 10 days to keep our computing environment running well for our users.