Yes, you can install OpenMPI. In the case, you have to make module file as the following:
#%Module 1.0 # # OMP-sample # proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr "OMP-sample\n" } prepend-path PATH /sqfs/work/(your installed path)/bin prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /sqfs/work/(your installed path)/lib/ setenv MPI_ROOT /sqfs/work/(your installed path)/ |
You specify module file in job script as the following:
#PBS -T openmpi #PBS -v NQSV_MPI_MODULE=module file PATH |
If your file name includes a sequential number, you can do it with a "parametric job" on our system.
An environmental value "$PBS_$SUBREQNO" store a sequential number that you specified with "qsub -t" option (1 - 5 number in the following example).
When you submit a "parametric job", our system receives a few jobs (5 jobs in the following example) set different input files per job (input1 - input5 in the following example).
example: job script file
#PBS -q OCTOPUS #PBS -l elapstim_req=0:30:00,cpunum_job=24 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR ./a.out input$PBS_SUBREQNO |
example: how to submit a job
example: qstat result: in the case of a "parametric job", qstat display one record per one qsub
RequestID ReqName UserName Queue Pri STT S Memory CPU Elapse R H M Jobs --------------- -------- -------- -------- ---- --- - -------- -------- -------- - - - ---- 123456[].oct nqs username OC1C 0 QUE - - - - Y Y Y 1 |
example: sstat result: in the case of "parametric job", sstat display record as much as a number that you specified with "qsub -t" option
RequestID ReqName UserName Queue Pri STT PlannedStartTime --------------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------- --- ------------------- 123456[1].oct nqs username OC1C 0.5002/ 0.5002 QUE - 123456[2].oct nqs username OC1C 0.5002/ 0.5002 QUE - 123456[3].oct nqs username OC1C 0.5002/ 0.5002 QUE - 123456[4].oct nqs username OC1C 0.5002/ 0.5002 QUE - 123456[5].oct nqs username OC1C 0.5002/ 0.5002 QUE - |
If our system resource is not crowded, you can run some jobs at the same time with the following procedure.
qsub A.nqs
qsub B.nqs
This error is for exceeding a limit number of submitting job per user or per system. We set this limit for preventing an accident. Please inform us from the following form.
Inquiry form
Our frontend server takes over a locale setting of your terminal for ssh client, Mac OS. "SendEnv" setting of your terminal occur it. Please try the following two ways.
Modify on "/etc/ssh_config"
Please comment out "SendEnv" setting by # mark on "/etc/ssh_config" as following.
Make sure that it must be done before connecting to frontend server.
write a locale setting on profile
If you want that ssh server take over a locale setting from your terminal but you want to resolve this problem, please write in bash_profile as following
No, you can't. Our scheduler will choose appropriated node on automatically for your job.
Thank you for your understanding.
[Supplementation for Question]
If I run parallel computing job(Intel MPI) on 4 node of VCC (20 core), I want to assign MPI nodes as the following:
node 1: rank 0, 4, 8, ..., 76
node 2: rank 1, 5, 9, ..., 77
node 3: rank 2, 6, 10, ..., 78
node 4: rank 3, 7, 11, ..., 79
In the case of this parallel computing, please specify as the following job-script:
#PBS -b 4
mpiexec -ppn 1 -n 80 ./a.out
manual about -ppn option for mpiexec(IntelMPI)
-perhost <# of processes>, -ppn <# of processes, -grr <# of processes>
Use this option to place the specified number of consecutive MPI processes on every host in the group using round robin scheduling.
If you want to re-direct standard output of MPI result on vector node of SQUID, please use the script "/opt/nec/ve/bin/mpisep.sh".
How to use this script is the following:
#PBS -v MPISEPSELECT=3 mpirun -np 160 /opt/nec/ve/bin/mpisep.sh ./a.out |
In the case, the standard output is output to stdout.0:(MPI process ID), and the standard error output is output to stderr.0:(MPI process ID) in real time.
Please see "3.3" of the following manual about the detail:
NEC MPI User's guide
If you modified mpisep.sh, you change stdout/stderr filename into whatever you want to name.
On SX-ACE and VCC, the permission of standard output file and standard error output file depend on "umask". Please specify the permission with "umask" command on front-end server.
Yes. You can do it by "Workflow" or "Request Connection Function".
Please see the following manual 7.Workflow an 1.2.22. Request Connection Function about how to use.
NQSII User's Guide
The different between Workflow and Request Connection Function
The different is the timing of running request. In the case of Workflow, all request become an object for assign immediately after submitting. In the case of Request Connection Function, next request become an object for assign after the previous request finished . Therefore, you should choose the workflow, if system is crowded,.
You can specify for MPI slave node almost all environment value by "#PBS -v option". But you can not specify some environment value on NQSII. Path is one of those. Please see the following manual, the end of 1.16.qsub(1).
NQSII User's Guide
You can specify PATH for slave node by the MPI runtime option.
Your job script file's file-format could be BOM(Byte Order Mark) format. Therefore, it is possible that the first line which you indicate to use specific shell is not interpreted. The job script should be non-BOM format.
Please check your file using the command below.
% file nqs.sh
You can change the file-format by a text-editor like vi. Please submit it again after changing the file-format.
We will show an example to edit BOM-format by using vi editor.
Open the file by vi, add the option '-b'.
% vi -b nqs.sh
At the beginning of the first line, <feff>, this is BOM character. Delete these letters and save it.
You might mistake the jobclass submitted.
Please confirm your job-script again. If your job-script is right, please contact us on the following page.
Inquiry form
This error message means that these commands exceeded license number limit already.
We have readied a enough number of license. But, in the case that executing these commands are concentrated in same time, it may exceeded license number limit. If you see this message, please inform us.
Form for Inquiries

Basically, the job will run correctly. But that action differs depending on your submitted time or your specified elapse-time.
* Please note that your job might not run depending on situation of jobs the other users submitted, in the case of shared use.
Please see the following about the detail.
If you submitted a job before the maintenance
If Planned End Time of your submitted job exceed the beginning time of the maintenance, your job will not run till the maintenance finished. Planned End Time is calculated from submit-time and elapse-time which you specified elapstim_req at job-script.
For example, if you specified "elapstime_req=5:00:00" at your job-script and you submitted your job on 1:00 p.m., Planned End Time become 6:00 p.m.
* Without depending on the above, please note that your job might not run depending on situation of jobs the other users submitted, in the case of shared use.
If Planned End Time of your submitted job doesn't exceed the beginning time of the maintenance
Your job will run correctly without waiting the maintenance finished.
If Planned End Time of your submitted job exceed the beginning time of the maintenance
As mentioned above, your job will not run till the maintenance finished. The submitted job is received as QUE status, and will run after the maintenance except the maintenance held in the end of the fiscal year. All jobs will be deleted in the maintenance held in the end of the fiscal year. If you re-adjust the elapsed-time (elapstime_req) so as not to exceed the beginning time of maintenance and if re-submit, your job might be run soon. When you are in a hurry, please try it.
From before planning the maintenance, if you have ran the job that Planned End Time exceed the beginning time of the maintenance
Maybe this situation will be in the case of dedicated use only. Your job will run correctly till the beginning maintenance. We're afraid that you must stop during the maintenance. If your job corresponds to this situation, we would contact you.
If you submit a job during the maintenance
Your job will not run till the maintenance finished. The submitted job is received as QUE status, and will run after the maintenance.
If you submit a job after the maintenance
Your job will run correctly.
In your job script, you can set up environmental variable and options using setenv command. However, when you execute parallel job at multiple nodes, they are not reflected to all slave nodes.
In this case, please use the NQSII option '-v' in the job script as follows.
#PBS -v [environment variable or options]=[value]
You can check your job status with the following command.
If the system decide when your job starts, STT will change status to ASG(Assigned) and PlannedStartTime will show what time your job starts.
Please see the following page about the detail.
About scheduler command
It probably has a problem with a character/line feed code in your job script. Our system's character encoding is UTF-8 and the line feed code is LF. When you copy a file to our system, you should do it by ASCII or convert codes using the command like iconv.
The scheduler is scheduling jobs by requested resources and user's priority. Therefore, you may have to wait depending on your request.
You can see the scheduling status of your job using the command below.
When the status(STT) is ASG(Assigned), it indicates that the job is scheduled already. PlannedStartTime shows actually execution start time of it.
For further information, please see below.
About scheduler command
If you wait a very long time, the job request might be exceeded resource limit. Or there might be any problem with the system. In that case, Please contact us.
「NQS利用の手引」のリファレンス編 第1章 ユーザコマンドをご参照頂けますようお願い致します。
※ man qwait でもヘルプを参照できます。
qwait については下記のような使い方が可能です。
監視スクリプトをバックグラウンド実行し、スクリプト内で qwaitを実行します。
$ qsub job1-1
Request 12345.cmc submitted to queue: Pxx.
$ (./chkjob >& log &)
----- chkjob
while :
qwait 12345.cmc #リクエストIDを任意のものに変更して下さい
case $? in
0) qsub job1-2;exit;;
1) qsub job2-1;exit;;
2) qsub job3-1;exit;;
3) echo NQS error | mail xxxx@yyyy.ac.jp;exit;;#メールアドレスを任意のものに変更してください
7) continue;;
*) ;;
1.先頭行の "#!" で指定されているコマンド名(通常はシェル名)の絶対パスが誤っている可能性があります。
2.ジョブスクリプトファイルの改行コードが CRLF (Windows)になっている可能性があります。
スクリプトファイルは、文字コードを "UTF-8"、改行コードを "LF" で作成してください。
(秀丸エディタ[シェアウェア] や サクラエディタ 等いろいろあります)
※ 文字コードは "UTF-8"、改行コードは "LF" を指定
・WinSCP でファイルをアップロードする時に転送モードを"テキスト" に設定するか、
ファイルの拡張子をテキストだと自動判別されるもの(.txt , .sh 等)にする。
※ この方法では文字コードには対応できません