News list
February 02,2021
Holding Cyber HPC Symposium (Mar 16)
January 22,2021
Holding 4th Social Dental Smart Hospital Symposium (Mar 5)
January 18,2021
We published HPSC-News vol.09
January 14,2021
Our Business continuity planning(BCP) in response to the Japanese government Emergency declaration based on the Special Measures Act
January 13,2021
Holding the 2nd tests on OCTOPUS-Azure cloudbursting environment
January 04,2021
about porting your code running on the SX-ACE system to the one for SX-Aurora TSUBASA, vector nodes of SQUID
December 24,2020
Holding a Kick-start Program for SX-ACE users towards the coming Aurora TSUBASA - Let's take off with Aurora TSUBASA - (Dec 24 - Jan 15)
December 15,2020
Holding a lecture for SALMON(Jan 28)
December 02,2020
New Year's Holiday (Dec 29 - Jan 3)