In addition to MPI and HPF for internode parallelism,auto-parallelism and OpenMPI can be applied at the same time for intranode parallelism.


Please check the following article. Directives need to be inserted into MPI and HPF and compiled for auto-parallelism and OpenMP.
How to use MPI/SX How to use HPF/SX How to use auto-paralleism/OpenMP


On SX-ACE, SX cross-compiler is available.


MPI + auto-parallelism

$ sxmpif90 -P auto [options] source_file (Fortran)
$ sxmpic++ -P auto [options] source_file (C,C++)


MPI + OpenMP

$ sxmpif90 -P openmp [options] source_file (Fortran)
$ sxmpic++ -P openmp [options] source_file (C,C++)


HPF + auto-parallelism

$ sxhpf -P auto [options] source_file (Fortran)



executable script

Script examples are shown below.

MPI + auto-parallelism

Internode parallelism using 8 nodes(MPI) and intranode parallelism using 4 threads (auto-parallelism) for MPI job with elapsed time of 1 hour, memory 60GB.


MPI + OpenMP

Internode parallelism using 8 nodes(MPI) and intranode parallelism using 4 threads(auto-parallelism)
for MPI job with elapsed time 1hour,memory 60 GB.



Internode parallelism using 8 nodes(HPF) and intranode parallelism using 4 threads (auto-parallelism)
for HPF job with Elapsed time 1 hour, memory 60 GB