- Nobuyuki TSUBOI, Nicolas JOURDAINE, Tomohiro WATANABE, A.Koichi HAYASHI, Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation on Hydrogen-Oxygen Rotating Detonation Engine with Unchoked Aerospike Nozzle, AIAA SciTech Forum 2018 Sciences Meeting, 2018.01.11
- Maiko Iwai, Keisuke Yoshida, Youhi Morii, Nobuyuki Tsuboi and A.Koichi Hayashi, ”Two-dimensional Numerical Analysis on Shock Flame Interaction in Premixed Gas of Hydrocarbon/Oxygen with Multi-Step Reaction Model,” 26th ICDERS(International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems) , 1050, Aug. 2017
- Maiko Iwai, Keisuke Yoshida, Youhi Morii, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, A.Koichi Hayashi, Tetsuro Obara and Shinichi Maeda, ”Numerical Analysis on Shock/Flame Interaction in Hydrocarbon/Oxygen Premixed Gas – Difference in the Propagation Types-,” ISEM 2017(The 6th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and their Applications) , O02-3, Nov. 2017
- Ayu Ago, Tomotaka Niibo, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, A. Koichi Hayashi, “Numerical Study on Effects of Obstacle Shape on Detonation Transition Mechanism” 26th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS) July 30 - August 4, 2017 Boston, USA
- Ayu Ago, Nobuyuki Tsuboi, and A. Koichi Hayashi, “Numerical analysis on detonation transition in the channel with repeated obstacles – Influence of scale effects and artificial thickening flame –“, The 6th International Symposium on Energetic Materials and their Applications (ISEM) November 6-10, 2017 Sakura Hall, Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN
- 坪井伸幸,塚本真章, 小島孝之,林光一,回転デトネーションエンジンの2次元数値解析:噴射方法の影響,第49回流体力学講演会/第35回航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム,2018.6.30
- 坪井伸幸,渡部友裕,ジュルデ ニコラ,小島孝之,林光一,回転デトネーションエンジンの2次元数値解析-水素/空気予混合気に対する性能評価 -,第55回燃焼シンポジウム,2017.11.15
- 村山健太,吾郷愛由,小澤晃平,坪井伸幸,林光一,“水素/酸素予混合気を用いた円形障害物を有する管内でのデトネーション遷移に関する数値解析:火炎伝播形態と格子解像度の影響”, 日本機械学会学生会 第49回 卒業研究発表講演会, 大分, 2018, 3, D12
- 渡部友裕, JOURDAINE. H. Nicolas, 小澤晃平, 坪井伸幸, 小島孝之, 林光一, “水素/空気混合気を用いたローテーティングデトネーションエンジンの二次元解析による性能評価:噴射口圧力が比推力に与える影響評価”, 日本機械学会学生会 第49回 卒業研究発表講演会, 大分, 2018, 3, D21
- Nobuyuki Tsuboi, Makoto Asahara, Takayuki Kojima, A. Koichi Hayashi, Numerical Simulation on Rotating Detonation Engine : Effects of Higher-Order Scheme, Detonation Control for Propulsion, Springer-Verlag, 2017.12 ISBN3319689053 or 9783319689050
Posted : 2018年03月01日