氏名:塚原 隆裕1, 河田 卓也1, 仁村 友洋2, 小田 和希2, 花房 真輝2, 福田 雄大2, 岡田 岬2, 榊原 諒太2, 竹田 一貴2, 藤村 俊介2, 森松 浩隆2, 荻原 大和3, 川津 晃貴3, 澄川 一夫3, 中川 皓介3,
所属:1東京理科大学理工学部機械工学科, 2東京理科大学大学院理工学研究科機械工学専攻, 3東京理科大学理工学部機械工学科
- T. Fukuda and T. Tsukahara, "Heat transfer of transitional regime with helical turbulence in annular flow," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 82 (2020), 108555.
- K. Kunii, T. Ishida, Y. Duguet, and T. Tsukahara, "Laminar-turbulent coexistence in annular Couette flow," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 879 (2019), 579-603.
- S. Fujimura, K. Yamamoto, M. Motosuke, and T. Tsukahara, "Numerical study of thermocapillary-driven flow of a micro bubble on locally heated wall," Heat Transfer Research, in press.
- T. Kawata and T. Tsukahara, "Numerical investigation on scale-by-scale Reynolds stress transport in plane Couette turbulence," In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), Southampton, UK, Jul. 30 - Aug. 2 (2019), (6 pages).
- M. Hanabusa and T. Tsukahara, "Robustness of turbulent stripes in particle-laden channel flows," In: Proceedings of the ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference (AJKFluids2019), San Francisco, CA, Jul. 28 - Aug. 1 (2019), AJKFLUIDS2019-5149 (6 pages).
- T. Tsukahara and T. Fukuda, "Turbulent heat transfer in transitional annular Poiseuille flow," In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2019), Wicklow, Ireland, Jul. 22-24 (2019), (6 pages).
- T. Tsukahara, K. Yamasaki, and I. Ueno, "Basic flows and heat transfer of thermal Marangoni convection in rectangular liquid film," In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT2019), Wicklow, Ireland, Jul. 22-24 (2019), (6 pages).
- K. Takeda and T. Tsukahara, "New knowledge as DP universality class on the subcritical turbulent transitions of wall-bounded shear flows," In: Abstract Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 18-20 (2019).
- H. Morimatsu and T. Tsukahara, "Parameter dependences of intermittent turbulent regime of annular Couette-Poiseuille flow," In: Abstract Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 18-20 (2019).
- T. Nimura, T. Kawata, and T. Tsukahara, "Study on viscoelasticity-induced spatio-temporal modulation of roll cells in wall-bounded shear flow," In: Abstract Proceedings of 7th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 18-20 (2019)
- S. Fujimura and T. Tsukahara, "Numerical study on flow near the contact line of a locally heated micro vapor bubble," In: Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC), Maui Island, USA, Dec. 13-17 (2019), PRTEC-24389.
- K. Oda, T. Tsukahara, and Y. Kawaguchi, "Applicability of Reynolds stress model for drag-reducing turbulent flow over backward-facing step," In: Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC), Maui Island, USA, Dec. 13-17 (2019), PRTEC-24384, 4 pages.
- T. Fukuda and T. Tsukahara, "Influence of large-scale intermittent structure on heat transfer in the transition regime of annular Poiseuille flow," In: Proceedings of the 2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference (PRTEC), Maui Island, USA, Dec. 13-17 (2019), PRTEC-24208, 4 pages.
- R. Sakakibara, T. Nimura, T. Tsukahara, and. Ishida, "Integrated analysis of direct numerical simulations and nonlinear parabolized stability equations," In: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 3-7 (2019), I221, 2 pages.
- M. Okada, T. Nimura, T. Tsukahara, and. Ishida, "DNS of turbulent transition induced by streamwise sinusoidal roughness in swept flat plate boundary layer," In: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 3-7 (2019), I213, 2 pages.
- M. Hanabusa and T. Tsukahara, "Study on robustness of turbulent stripe in particle-laden channel flows with/without considering gravitational effect," In: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 3-7 (2019), I211, 2 pages.
- K. Takeda and T. Tsukahara, "Subcritical transition of plane Poiseuille flow as DP universality classes in (2+1) and (1+1) dimensions," In: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 3-7 (2019), I112, 2 pages.
- H. Morimatsu and T. Tsukahara, "Direct numerical simulation of annular Couette-Poiseuille flow: intermittent structures depending on pressure gradient and radius ratio," In: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 3-7 (2019), I111, 2 pages.
- S. Fujimura, K. Yamamoto, M. Motosuke, and T. Tsukahara, "Numerical simulation of thermocapillary-driven flow of a micro vapor bubble on locally heated wall," In: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 3-7 (2019), A122, 2 pages.
- 花房 真輝,塚原 隆裕,“チャネル流の乱流縞剛健性に関する質点粒子スト―クス数への依存性”,日本機械学会 第97期 流体工学部門講演会 講演論文集,豊橋,11月7-8日 (2019),OS8-09,5 pages.
- 小田 和希,塚原 隆裕,川口 靖夫,“粘弾性流体バックステップ乱流におけるDNSと応力方程式モデル”,日本機械学会 第97期 流体工学部門講演会 講演論文集,豊橋,11月7-8日 (2019),OS1-14,3 pages.
- 河田 卓也,塚原 隆裕,“平面クエット乱流におけるレイノルズ応力スペクトル輸送”,日本流体力学会年会2019 講演論文集,東京,9月13日-15日 (2019),4 pages.
- 森松 浩隆,塚原 隆裕,“環状クエット・ポアズイユ流において円筒比及び圧力勾配が間欠構造に及ぼす影響”,日本流体力学会年会2019 講演論文集,東京,9月13日-15日 (2019),4 pages.
- 竹田 一貴,塚原 隆裕,“平面ポアズイユ流亜臨界遷移におけるDP普遍クラスとしての二段階遷移過程”,日本流体力学会年会2019 講演論文集,東京,9月13日-15日 (2019),5 pages.
- 福田 雄大,塚原 隆裕,“環状ポアズイユ乱流において大規模間欠構造がもたらす伝熱促進効果”,第56回日本伝熱シンポジウム 講演論文集,徳島,5月29日-31日 (2019),K1428, 5 pages.
- 山崎 広哉,塚原 隆裕,上野 一郎,“自由液膜内温度差マランゴニ対流場における基本流パターン選択”,第56回日本伝熱シンポジウム 講演論文集,徳島,5月29日-31日 (2019),I133, 5 pages.
- T. Tsukahara, K. Yamasaki, and I. Ueno, "Basic flows driven by thermal Marangoni effect in rectangular liquid film," The 8th Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics (BIFD2019), Limerick, Ireland, Jul. 16-19 (2019).
- K. Takeda and T. Tsukahara, "Subcritical transition of plane Poiseuille flow as (2+1)d and (1+1)d DP universality classes," The 8th Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics (BIFD2019), Limerick, Ireland, Jul. 16-19 (2019).
- 仁村 友洋,河田 卓也,塚原 隆裕,“回転平面クエット流におけるロールセル構造への粘弾性安定化作用”,第21回複雑流体研究会,京都,6月22日 (2019).
Posted : 2020年03月31日