所属:Kyoto University
概要:Droplet impingement has long been a hot topic among researchers for its ubiquitousity in industrial applications. Wettability is confirmed as one of the key factors influencing the motion subsequent to the droplet impingement on the surface. Detailed investigation on the effect of surface wettability, as well as the influence of the fluid capillarity on the motion of droplets in impingement on dry surfaces is conducted by using 3D detailed numerical simulation. Our research found that while surface wettability influences the wetting motion (i.e., the temporal evolution of the contact line on the surface), the translational motion of the lamella front is not affected. Wettability has a stronger influence on the vertical motion of the lamella. Lower wettability results in stronger lift in the lamella after the impingement. In our investigation, on superhydrophobic surfaces where the contact angle reaches 150 degrees, lift-off of the lamella from the surface is observed. Stronger capillarity has a significant influence on the lamella lifted off the surface, whereas the lamella that stays on the surface shows no significant change in its motions with changing capillarity. Interestingly, though stronger capillarity is generally considered to indicate that it is more difficult for the interface to be created, in our investigation stronger capillarity triggered pinch-off in the lamella lifted-off generated after the impingement on the superhydrophobic surface.
- Tianyi Wei, Abhishek Lakshman Pillai, Ryoichi Kurose, “Numerical investigation of high-speed droplet impact on flat surfaces with different wettability”, ICMF2023, Kobe, Japan, Apr. 2023.
- Tianyi Wei, Kenya Kitada, Abhishek Lakshman Pillai, Ryoichi Kurose, “Numerical Investigation on Influence of Surface Wettability on Thin Liquid Film Ejection During Droplet Impingement”, 37th CFD Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 2023.
Posted : 2024年03月31日