The simulation laser wakefield acceleration on SQUID


氏名:Yanjun Gu, Alexandre Rondepierre, Naveen Pathak

所属:SANKEN, Osaka University

概要:In the shock injection mechanism of laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), the position and the size of the electron injection domain are determined by the shock downramp. To make the accelerated beam controllable and tunable, the relation between the injected beam quality and the shock downramp is investigated by kinetic simulations via the Particle-in-cell (PIC) code. Furthermore, the passive mode of a plasma lens is studied via real geometry PIC simulations for its suitability for LWFA. An initially negative chirp in electron beam energy is shown to be instrumental in suppressing the unwanted growth in the relative energy spread of the electron beam during the passive lensing.



  • Zhenzhe Lei, et al., “Supersonic-gas-jet-stabilization-in-laser-plasma-acceleration”, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 11, e91 (2023).
  • N. Pathak, A. Zhidkov, D. Oumbarek Espinos and T. Hosokai, “Focusing and reduction of correlated energy spread of a chirped electron beams in passive plasma lens”, Physics of Plasmas 30, 063103 (2023).



  • Y. J. Gu, “Laser-driven electron accelerator in the context of shock injection for X-ray sources”, The 18th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Shanghai, China ,2023, (招待講演)
  • Y. J. Gu, “Stable Electron Beam Generation in LWFA via the Control of Hydrodynamics Stability”, ビーム物理研究会・若手の会2023, 東北大学電子光理学研究センター、仙台, 2023


Posted : 2024年03月31日