所属:大阪大学 大学院工学研究科
- H. H. Halim, R. Ueda, and Y. Morikawa, "Machine learning molecular dynamics simulation of CO-driven formation of Cu clusters on the Cu(111) surface", J. Phys. : Condens. Matter, Vol. 35, 495001 (18pp) (2023).
- J. I. G. Enriquez, T. Yamasaki, M. Michiuchi, K. Inagaki, M. Geshi, I. Hamada, and Y. Morikawa, “Origin of the Surface Facet Dependence in the Oxidative Etching of the Diamond (111) and (100) Surfaces from First-Principles Calculations”, J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 128, 6294-6308 (2024).
- J. I. G. Enriquez, H. H. Halim, T. Yamasaki, M. Michiuchi, K. Inagaki, M. Geshi, I. Hamada, and Y. Morikawa, “Origin of the Surface Facet Dependence in the Thermal Degradation of the Diamond (111) and (100) Surfaces in Vacuum Investigated by Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics Simulations”, Carbon, Vol. 226, 119223 (2024).
- H. H. Halim and ○Y. Morikawa, “First-principles and machine-learning study of interface chemical reactions for energy and environmental problems”, The 4th International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Devices 2023, 2023.8.10-13, Thai Nguyen,Vietnem.(国際会議招待講演)
- H. H. Halim and ○Y. Morikawa, “First-principles and machine-learning study of interface chemical reactions for energy and environmental problems”, European Conference on Surface Science 36, 2023.8.28-9.1, Lods, Poland.(国際会議招待講演)
Posted : 2024年03月31日